The organisation supports responsible tech.
The tech development is a participatory process.
Making use of the tech development, benefiting from the existing knowledge and experience, and implementing the results
Approaches and attitudes
Ethics and sustainability are integrated throughout the tech development process
It is clear who is responsible for the daily work and who is liable if something goes wrong.
It is possible to highlight shortcomings and deficiencies regarding ethics and sustainability. When such a deficiency is identified, it is addressed.
Employees are aware of and comply with laws and regulations.
The organisation acts responsibly in times of transition and change, and when sudden and unexpected events occur.
People with different values, interests and ideals are involved and included throughout the tech development work process.
Knowledge about the stakeholder’s needs and circumstances is gathered and incorporated throughout the work process.
Knowledge and experiences from the work are applied going forward.
It will be possible to implement and make use of the results of the tech development.
The tech development will be monitored to determine how it is put to use and how it works in practice.
Values relating to ethics and sustainability are taken into account in decision-making.
Values relating to ethics and sustainability are frequently discussed and kept up to date.
Tech developers are aware of ethics and sustainability and a take a responsible approach.
Does not apply at all
Applies to some extent
Applies for the most part
Applies completely